With the pressure of the economy and the strain at my previous job it was only a matter of time before I was laid off and sent to green pastures. After a month of job hunting I decided to sell my house due in part of a lack of steady income needed to pay my mortgage. It was my spouses idea to sell and move in with family members. Our former home did sell fast but this was only because it was a buyers market and getting it at the price that we asked for was near impossible so I was inevitably forced to sell and move. The experience was sad and even border-line depressing but only took the space of a month and a half to complete. To save on moving expenses a U-Haul truck was rented for the day and a total of 6 trips was necessary to move all our belongings from our previous den to our new basment apartment at my sisters home. The stress was not only bad on myself as well as my spouse but also on our three kids who throught the entire ordeal kepting wondering what was going on. However, after 3 months I was able to find work and now things are looking optimistic.
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