Label your boxes

My experience with moving was a fairly positive one, but one that brought up many issues and lessons learned. It is common knowledge that moving one’s whole life up from one place to another, sometimes miles away is no easy task. However, what I and many other people who undergo moves are surprised by is the sheer amount of careful planning necessary to facilitate a successful move as well as the numerous things that can go wrong. What may seem like a trivial task but will prove to be important in the long time is the correct labeling of boxes and sorting of items into appropriate boxes. While it may seem like the easy thing to do to simply throw as much as you can into whichever box is closest this will prove to be somewhat of a nightmare when unpacking. Also, considering packing up one’s whole repertoire of belongings takes days, if not weeks, and during these days of packing things may need to be used that have already been packed up. With neatly and concisely labeled boxes, finding these items will prove to be a breeze. Another important tip I can share from my experience with moving is that it can very well be a great opportunity to purge yourself of unnecessary items that are simply collecting dust and taking up space. Now, I understand this will be difficult for all the packrats out there but a little ‘spring cleaning’ or rather ‘moving cleaning’ will lighten your load you are bringing with you as well as provide a sense of a weight being lifted off of your shoulders. There are few things better than ridding yourself of unnecessary baggage. While moving is inevitably a time-consuming and difficult task, it does not have to be a stressful one. By carefully sorting items and removing items from the moving procedure that do not need to be moved, a lot of time, money, an aggravation can be saved.

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Jul 14, 2016
New beginnings NEW
by: Anonymous

Useful site. I will do the two week challenge then add in an extra 4 days for throwing unwanted stuff - clutter - into a skip. I am making daily trips to a charity shop with useful unwanted items. I find it very time-consuming and tedious but good each time I let go of things and especially with items others may have use of and to raise some money for charity. I am finding it very tough in my middle years to pack a house up and I don't even know where I am going..I am sure it will be great though! A new chapter in my life is beginning and I really feel I need to move from where I am now. Family all grown up, mother gone to heaven, no ties here anymore. I am blessed with some great friends and family members, especially my son in an other county but hey, they can visit me as I am not planning to leave the country..and even if I were they could still visit (though not so often of course) I would prefer not to be too far away. I do have some ideas and lots of dreams..I guess it will be where my next job takes me..What an adventure;)

Thanks for the useful tips.

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