Google work from home

So, you searched google work from home? I am so glad you found my website.

I really am a work from home mom. I own this and two other websites. I spend about 15 hours a week on them and make a part time income doing so.My web building adventure started when I watched this a video similar to the one below made by a fellow TEXAN sbi'er.

This is not a get rich quick scheme. And it is not paid by the hour "JOB". It is a business opportunity. Yes, there is a cost to buy the program. It is $299 and that buys you all you need to get a website going. I look at it like this: Spend $299 and have the potential to not work in a few years OR keep working for the rest of your life.Want to learn more about Solo Build It?

I tried it all, many MLM's and failed miserably before finding Solo Build It. It has allowed me to work only 2 days a week in my real job instead of 4 and my goal is to be home full time by December 2010.

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